Friday, July 3, 2015

A Comment on Making Comments

I have had some inquiries by email about making comments on the blogs.  Friends mention that they have tried to leave comments but do not seem to be able to do it.  So this is how I think it works.   When you open the site you will see the most recent blog followed by the earlier postings.  Click on the title of a particular blog which then opens it in a separate page.  Go to the bottom of that page and you will see the comment box where you should be able to type messages.
If that is not working...let me know and I will research it a little more.

And..... an update on my progress as of today Thursday, July 2, 2015
From St Jean in France it was about 815 km....progress!!


  1. trying again to comment love your photos and travel info

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Bonnie, how many K's left? Wishing I could meet you at the end with a glass of ice cold lemonade in hand... next year!!! happy travels.

  4. PS - the tile route markers are beautiful. I'd probably spend half my time taking photos of each one - route would take me months to complete that way... Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!

  5. Trying a fifth time to see if this one gets posted.....

  6. Yes it did!!!! Do not know that I did anything differently than previously.... Anyway, I am enjoying all your historical, culinary and best of all the humorous antidotes throughout! After the "Stone Boat" blog, you will now be known as the "Keeper of the Key" 😎 !!
