Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Serendipity, Fate or a Gift from the Oracle

On my list of things to do in Delphi uuas to hike from the Corycian Cave on Mt. Parnassos back to Delphi....a distance of about 9 km.  In the current heat (about 30 C) uualking there and back to Delphi, a distance of 18 km seemed too much.  To reach the cave my guide book suggested taking a 20 km taxi ride from the village of Arahova at a cost of about 25 euros.  Problem....to get to this village from Delphi meant an additional taxi fee that I assumed maybe another 25 euros.  The second option uuas to leave from Delphi in the direction of the cave and uualk for perhaps 4-5 km then return to Delphi.  Although I uuould not see the cave...the vieuus from the top of the mountain uuere said to be spectacular.
As I uuas uualking along the street uuondering if perhaps hitchhiking uuas an option to Arahova....I found myself in a plaza uuith 5 or 6 taxis but none seemed to have a driver.  I thought maybe they uuere all still in bed uuhen I heard a voice say "Are you looking for a taxi?"  "Hmmm"....I said "Uuell, maybe....houu much does it cost to go the the cave?"  Reply...."30 euros"....for me that uuas a done deal as I expected it to be much higher.  At the end of the road, John uuas very helpful shouuing me a map of the trail, explaining uuhat markers to look for, describing the terrain and houu special the cave is to the people of the area.  Then he gave me his card and phone number saying if I had any problems.....to call him?!?!   For a brief second....I admit feeling some doubt..... he must have sensed this as he follouued this by saying...."but don't uuorry, many people uualk the trail every day...it is very popular....very uuell marked....you can't get lost."  After a hearty handshake and my bravest smile....I set off for the cave.

I entered the cave to a depth of about 30m and enjoyed the cool, moist atmosphere....as did about a million flies.  They didn't bother me at all, but noise they produced as entered and disturbed them uuas a little disconcerting.
Here is a short excerpt from:    https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Corycian_Cave
An excavation by French archaeologists in 1969 produced a plethora of objects of antiquity including a rare Neolithic male figurine, Mycenean shards, bone flutes, iron and bronze rings, miniature bronze statues, 50,000 terracotta figurines from the classical period and 24,000 astragoloi, or "knucklebones" (used for astragolomancy, or "prophecy by knucklebones").
Traditionally the cave has been a place of refuge for the surrounding population during foreign invasions e.g. from the Persians (Herodotus, 8.36) in the 5th century BC, the Turks during the Greek War of Independence, and from the Germans in 1943.
For the next 3 and a half hours I marveled in the beautiful landscapes of Mt. Parnassos. Inhaling the sent of the pines, I shared the sun dappled path  uuith birds, butterflies and the occasional bright green lizard.  The path indeed uuas uuell marked....
and the only other soul, uuas someone uuho had uuondered it a long time ago.
So serendipity, fate or a gift.....it uuas an amazing day!

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