Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Technology Challenges

  The new camera I recently purchased is very small and compact so will be great for traveling.  I like simple.... just point and shoot.  There was a manual available for download on the Canon website; 163 pages long....yikes!!!

 I must admit that I was intrigued by a feature called NFC...or Near Field Communication.  What this is supposed to allow me to do is share photos on the camera with my tablet wherever they are in close proximity and there is a WIFI connection.  This sounds so simple...right?  Enabling this feature was important because it would allow me a greater selection of photos to add to my blog while on my trip.

  Problem to resolve:  my tablet speaks Android and the new camera speaks NFC and I speak neither.

  However, it seems the Greek Gods were on my side and I am proud to say that after creating accounts (more passwords...!#@*&!), downloading apps, sitting at my PC with the Canon website open in one window and the 163 page manual in another, my tablet on my left and the clever camera on my right...low and behold....they talked.
   Thinking back over the hour or so that it took, I can honestly say that I have no idea what I did and doubt I could do it again.  I have one more test before I can say ˋ'Total Success' and that is to try it on a WIFI connection outside my house.

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