Monday, August 3, 2015

The Cíes Archipelago

The trip from the port in Vigo to the islands took about 1/2 hour.  When I saw the islands come into view I knew I had made the right choice.  You will understand what I mean if you check out the aerial photo in this link:íes_Islands

The center and north island are connected by a sand bar and also a concrete walkway that allows the ocean to fill the lagoon at high tide.  The center island, called Monte Faro, has a lighthouse at the south end and there is another on the far end of the most northern island called Monte Agudo.  The launch docked at the sandbar between the center and north islands and I decided to make a lighthouse to lighthouse trek, first heading in the direction of Monte Faro in the center.

View of the south island from the lighthouse on Monte Faro.

View of the north island from the same lighthouse.

More stunning landscapes...

To add to these stunning landscapes, they say the highlight of this area is the extraordinary marine environment.

Well, between islands I couldn't help but make a beach stop.

My feet had touched the Atlantic and even though it was not connected to the Camino as is Finisterre (end of the earth) I felt that now this leg of the journey was complete.  It was time to begin the turning toward home....but first a stop in Portugal!

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